The Evidence-Based Research Network (EBRNetwork) is the continuation of COST ACTION CA17117 EVidence-Based RESearch (EVBRES). This means that our work advocating for an Evidence-Based Research (EBR) Approach will continue, extending globally and across all research areas (not just clinical research). Read more about EVBRES.

About EBRNetwork

EBR Seminars & Conference

The Evidence-Based Research Network aims to promote:

  • No new research studies without prior systematic review of existing evidence
  • Efficient production, updating, and accessibility of systematic reviews

Read more about EBRNetwork

The work of the EBRNetwork is supported by the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL).

Become a member now

4th EBR Conference & 2nd General Assembly: 9th September 2024
Draft programme now available
Abstract submission closed

Registration now open

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Videos of the 3rd EBR Conference (October 2022) now available

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