10th EBHC/ISEBHC Conference 2023

We are delighted that EBR will be well represented at the 10th International Conference of EBHC Teachers & Developers, joint meeting with the 10th Conference of the International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care taking place in Siciliy 25th-28th October 2023. As well as abstract presentations there will be a workshop on “The Importance of End-User Perspectives in Reducing Research Waste”.


For health research to be relevant, it should meet the needs and demands of the end users, especially patients. The evidence-based research (EBR) approach suggests using a systematic and transparent approach to incorporate the perspective of end users in planning new research and placing the research results in context.


A European Union COST Action (network building grant) called EVBRES (Evidence-Based RESearch) was established in 2018 to establish an international European-based network to raise awareness about EBR. During the course of implementing EVBRES, opportunities and challenges to using an EBR approach to identifying and incorporating end-users’ perspectives have been realised. This workshop aims to interactively explore with attendees solutions to incorporating end-user perspectives in research and initiate the development of communication (e.g., white paper, position statement) for broader dissemination within the research community.


There will be two short presentations with time for questions and answers, one providing an overview of EBR situated within the Produced Evidence component of the Evidence Ecosystem and another focusing on incorporating end users’ perspectives when planning, performing and disseminating health research. The majority and remainder of the workshop will be dedicated to 3 facilitated, small-group and summary large-group discussions about existing and new solutions to incorporating end-user perspectives in a) the justification of new research, b) the methodological design of new research, and b) the contextualisation of the results of new research. The workshop will conclude with the identification of a timeline of deliverables for drafting, finalising, and disseminating communication of “best practices” to incorporate end-users’ perspectives in the new research.

Visit the conference website: https://www.ebhcconference.org/

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