Here you will find comments from the news and media regarding Evidence-Based Research and the EBRNetwork. If you would like to contribute, please contact
Utilising systematic reviews: is another trial necessary or ethical? by Kamal Mahtani
Systematic reviews and research waste by Hans Lund, Carsten Juhl and Robin Christensen
Systematic reviews and research waste by Iain Chalmers and Paul Glasziou
Systematic reviews and research waste by Richard L. Nelson
In defence of reviews of small trials: underpinning the generation of evidence to inform practice by Helen HG Handoll & Peter Langhorne
How systematic reviews can reduce waste in research by Paul Glasziou and Iain Chalmers
Evidence Live: Dangerous Ideas by Hans Lund
Is too much health research – unneccessary, unethical, unscientific, wasteful? by Bobby Ramakant
Too much medical research may be unneccessary, unethical, unscientific, and wasteful, warns new international research network by Soumyadeep Bhaumik
Farlig uvitenhet i Nokut by Iain Chalmers
Lettvint forskning by Magne Nylenna and Gro Jamtvedt