Call for Abstracts for 4th EBR Conference

Submission now closed

We invite you to join us for the 4th EBR Conference “Bridging Silos”, organized by the EBRNetwork and taking place in-person in Prague, Czech Republic on 9th September 2024.

Target Audience
The Conference is aimed at everyone who is keen to share their work and views on EBR.

Scientific Scope
We aim to bring together a broad range of key EBR actors and stakeholders (including researchers, funding agencies, research regulators, editors and reviewers, educators, patients and consumers, etc.) to discuss the role of EBR in the generation, synthesis and translation of knowledge. Abstract submissions addressing the conference theme (in the areas of ‘EBR across disciplines’ or ‘EBR moving beyond the Global North’) or on any of the following topics will be considered:

  • Stakeholders’ role in EBR (e.g. ethics, funders, researchers, end-users, publishers; policy makers)
  • Meta-research related to EBR                        
  • Challenges/obstacles to implementing EBR           
  • Solutions/success stories, including alternatives to using systematic reviews and teaching EBR
  • Local initiatives in using/implementing EBR      
  • Efficient production and updating of systematic reviews (including use of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML)).

Abstract Submission
The abstract submission platform is now closed.

Abstracts can be submitted for one of the following categories:

  1. Oral presentation: Presentations in this category will be 20 minutes long in total minutes (at least five minutes must be reserved for Q&As). Successful abstracts in this category will need to submit a pre-recorded presentation prior to the conference.
  2. Poster: Successful abstracts in this category will be provided with instructions for their final poster submission.

Early Career Award
Presenters who are early career investigators (ECIs) will be considered for an award for the best oral presentation and best poster.
[ECI = A researcher within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained the PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent)]

Submission Guidelines
Language: English
Text limit: maximum 250 words (without title, author and affiliation)
Abstract structure: the abstract should include the following four areas
Aim: Brief statement regarding the purpose of the work and the current state of research in the field
Methods: Paragraph outlining the method(s) of the work
Results: Summary of results, including sufficient details to support any drawn conclusions
Conclusions: Statement explaining the significance of the work and its implications for further research.

Scientific Assessment
Submitted abstracts will undergo a peer review process by members of the Abstract Committee. They will be judged against a set of criteria for novelty, quality, potential scientific impact, interest and relevance to the scope.

Accepted Abstracts
Results of the abstract assessment and assigned category of presentation will be announced to the corresponding author via email. Individuals submitting abstracts agree that, if their abstract is accepted, they will present their abstract as scheduled. All accepted abstracts will appear in the final conference programme and will be made available to delegates online. All submitters will be asked to give consent to having the abstract and the contact details (name and affiliation) of the presenting author(s) published.

Important Deadlines
12 April 2024  Abstract submission and Registration open 
6 June 2024 (midnight GMT)  Abstract submission closes
12 June 2024 Authors notified of the outcome of the assessment
9 September 2024 4th EBR Conference

Scientific Committee
Karen Robinson (chair)
Malgorzata Bala
Klara Brunnhuber 
Hans Lund
Raluca Sfetcu
Vivian Welch

Conference registration

For any queries, please contact the chair, Karen Robinson