The Vienna Principles

Principles of collaboration on development of automation in systematic reviews released.

The Vienna Principles

  1. Systematic reviews involve multiple tasks, each with different issues, but all must be improved.
  2. Automation may assist with all tasks, from scoping reviews to identifying research gaps as well protocol development to writing and dissemination of the review.
  3. The processes for each task can and should be continuously improved, to be more efficient and more accurate.
  4. Automation can and should facilitate the production of systematic reviews that adhere to high standards for the reporting, conduct and updating of rigorous reviews.
  5. Developments should also provide for flexibility in combining and using, e.g. subdividing or merging steps and allowances for different users to use different interfaces.
  6. Different groups with different expertise are working on different parts of the problem; to improve reviews as a whole will require collaboration between these groups.
  7. Every automation technique should be shared, preferably by making code, evaluation data and corpora available for free.
  8. All automation techniques and tools should be evaluated using a recommended and replicable method with results and data reported.

Drafted by members of International Collaboration for the Automation of System Reviews (ICASR) at their first meeting, 2 October 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Comment on ‘The Bergen Statement on Evidence-Based Research’

The opportunity to comment on the Bergen Statement has passed.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

You are welcome to comment on ‘The Bergen Statement on Evidence-Based Research’ from 12th – 19th of August

As part of the forthcoming papers by the EBRNetwork we have prepared “The Bergen Statement on Evidence-Based Research”.

A number of people have been involved in the process of preparing this important document, but we need to ensure that it includes every important aspect of the implications of the concept of “Evidence-Based Research”.

Thus, we invite you to go to and acquire “The Bergen Statement on Evidence-Based Research”, and contribute with comments and suggestions that you and your colleagues find necessary.

The opportunity for commenting on the Bergen Statement will last one week from noon Wednesday 12th of August to Wednesday 19th of August 2015. Please use this opportunity and invite others to comment on the Bergen Statement as well.

This procedure will be referred to in the accompanying paper presenting the Bergen Statement.

A brief introduction to the concept of Evidence-Based Research

Hans Lund has written a blog post introducing the concept of Evidence-Based Research. It is available on the BMJ Clinical Evidence Blog.

First Press Release from the EBRNetwork

Too much health and medical research may be unnecessary, unethical, unscientific, and wasteful, warns new network

Researchers, research funders, regulators, sponsors and publishers of research fail to use earlier research when preparing to start, fund or publish the results of new studies. To embark on research without systematically reviewing evidence of what is already known, particularly when the research involves people or animals, is unethical, unscientific, and wasteful.

To address this problem a group of Norwegian and Danish researchers have initiated an international network, the ‘Evidence-Based Research Network’ (EBRNetwork). The EBRNetwork brings together initial partners from Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, and USA, and was established in Bergen, Norway in December 2014.

At the ‘Bergen meeting’ partners agreed the aim of the EBRNetwork is to reduce waste in research by promoting:

No new studies without prior systematic review of existing evidence
Efficient production, updating and dissemination of systematic reviews

The EBRNetwork now issues a call for interested individuals and organizations to join the EBRNetwork and work together in developing a consensus statement to address this challenge to the very heart and values of research.

To become a member of the EBRNetwork please contact
Follow us on Twitter @EBRNetwork

For further information:
[Hans Lund, Professor, +45 257 211 25,]

The official EBRNetwork logo

The EBRNetwork proudly presents its official logo.


All credit goes to Sarah Rosenbaum at the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services for making it happen.

Chairman of the EBRNetwork key-note speaker at the Nordic Conference on Implementation

On the 4th of February Professor Hans Lund, chairman of the EBRNetwork, gave a presentation on the topic “Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in research” at the Nordic Conference on Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice. He discussed the scientific ideal, and the general assumption that no one would publish a paper without referring to earlier published scientific results. He also pointed out that the evidence clearly shows that many unnecessary trials are being carried out even after a consensus has been reached. As a solution, he presented the EBRNetwork and its devotion to reducing waste in research by promoting:

  • No new studies without prior systematic review of existing evidence
  • Efficient production, updating and dissemination of systematic reviews

His presentation is available here.

Hans Lund, chairman of the EBRNetwork presenting at the Nordic Conference on Implementation Photographer: Hanna Nykvist
Hans Lund, chairman of the EBRNetwork, presenting at the Nordic Conference on Implementation
Photographer: Hanna Nykvist

Evidence-Based Research Seminar

The founding meeting was followed by an open seminar on the 3rd of December at Bergen University College where the problems arising when researchers are not using systematic reviews before conducting new research were discussed. The invited speakers were researchers, patients, ethical committee members, research funders and editors – all with their separate views regarding this very important topic and it led to many interesting discussions. That the issue of waste in research needs to be addressed was, however, indisputable.

Professor Magne Nylenna from the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services is leading the seminar with Iain Chalmers, Karen Robinson and Mona Nasser answering questions from the audience.
Professor Magne Nylenna from the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services is leading the seminar with Iain Chalmers, Karen Robinson and Mona Nasser answering questions from the audience. Photographer: Emily Bell




The Evidence-Based Research Network

On the 1st and 2nd of December 2014 The Evidence-Based Research Network had its founding meeting in Bergen, Norway. Participants from Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, and USA, discussed and planned to establish an international network for evidence-based research.

Participants were: Klara Brunnhuber, Kjetil Gundro Brurberg, Iain Chalmers, Robin Christensen, Donna Ciliska, Maureen Dobbins, Thea Marie Drachen, Mette Brandt Eriksen, Birgitte Espehaug, Paul Glasziou, Gro Jamtvedt, Majbritt Ursula Johansen, Carsten Juhl, Marlies Leenaars, Hans Lund, Malcolm Macleod, Mona Nasser, Monica Wammen Nortvedt, Hanna Nykvist, Karen Robinson,  Matt Westmore.

At the end of the meeting a Steering Group was established.

The Evidence-Based Research Network

Back row (from left to right): Karen Robinson, Birgitte Espehaug, Kjetil Gundro Brurberg, Hans Lund, Marlies Leenaars, Iain Chalmers, Thea Marie Drachen. Middle row: Robin Christensen, Hanna Nykvist, Monica Wammen Nortvedt, Gro Jamtvedt, Mona Nasser. Front row: Matt Westmore, Carsten Juhl, Majbritt Ursula Johansen, Maureen Dobbins, Donna Ciliska, Klara Brunnhuber. Not in picture: Mette Brandt Eriksen, Paul Glasziou, Malcolm Macleod Photographer: Emily Bell
Back row (from left to right): Karen Robinson, Birgitte Espehaug, Kjetil Gundro Brurberg, Hans Lund, Marlies Leenaars, Iain Chalmers, Thea Marie Drachen. Middle row: Robin Christensen, Hanna Nykvist, Monica Wammen Nortvedt, Gro Jamtvedt, Mona Nasser. Front row: Matt Westmore, Carsten Juhl, Majbritt Ursula Johansen, Maureen Dobbins, Donna Ciliska, Klara Brunnhuber. Not in picture: Mette Brandt Eriksen, Paul Glasziou, Malcolm Macleod
Photographer: Emily Bell


The initiators of the Evidence-Based Research Network Hans Lund, Gro Jamtvedt and Monica W. Nortvedt
The initiators of the Evidence-Based Research Network Hans Lund, Gro Jamtvedt and Monica W. Nortvedt