Here you will find a copy of all the presentations and posters made on the behalf of the EBRNetwork. You are free to use them as long as you refer to EBRNetwork.
EBR Seminar December 2023
Osteoarthritis Research Society International 2017 World Congress, 27 – 30 April 2017, Las Vegas, USA
- Meta-research: A bird’s eye view of OA Robin Christensen, Professor, Head of the Musculoskeletal Unit at the Parker Institute, Denmark
Redundant and Dangerous Health Research – How Can You Support Better Research Practice? 8 November 2016, Bergen, Norway
- The scientific process involves a systematic approach at each step to avoid bias – but the awareness about current knowledge is not based upon a systematic/scientific approach Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
- Do researchers demonstrate knowledge about all earlier studies within their area? Caroline Blaine, Clinical Editor, BMJ
- Do researchers conduct redundant health research? Malcolm Macleod, Professor, University of Edinburgh
- How do researchers cite earlier research? Jennifer Yost, Assistant Professor, McMaster University
- Presentation of the EBRNetwork – invitation to participate Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
- Evidence-based research – what does it mean for consumers? Peg Ford, Co-founder, President, Ovarian Cancer Alliance of San Diego & Hanna Nykvist, Bergen University College
The 7th EBHC International Conference, 28 – 31 October 2015, Taormina, Italy
- Systematic reviews as a tool to plan new studies and interpret their results Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
Cochrane Colloquium, 3 – 7 October 2015, Vienna, Austria
- The Bergen Statement on Evidence-Based Research Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
- Evidence-Based Research Network how can it help to address this challenge – Systematic reviews guiding future research: opportunities and challenges Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
- NIHR using systematic reviews to inform funding decisions Matt Westmore, Director of Finance and Strategy, National Institute for Health Research
REWARD/EQUATOR Conference, 28 – 30 September 2015, Edinburgh, UK
- 3 Minutes Elevator Pitch EBRNetwork Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
The COMET V Meeting, 20 – 21 May 2015, Calgary Canada
- EBRNetwork – A call to action for evidence-based research, Karen A. Robinson, Director, Johns Hopkins University, Evidence-based Practice Centre
The 8th Diabetes Nursing Research PhD and Postdoc Conference, 27 – 28 April 2015, Bergen, Norway
- Evidence-Based Research. How can we avoid needless research and ensure research covering important knowledge gaps? Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
Presentation for the BMJ Clinical Evidence Team, 15 April 2015, London, UK
- Evidence-Based Research. How can we avoid needless research and ensure research covering important knowledge gaps? Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
Evidence Live, 13 – 14 April 2015, Oxford, UK
- Evidence-based Research Network – A call to action for more (efficient) systematic reviews Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
Nordic Conference on Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice, 3 – 4 February 2015, Bergen, Norway
- Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in research, Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
- Evidence-Based Research – the background, Sir Iain Chalmers, Co-founder of Cochrane Collaboration and the James Lind Initiative
- Evidence-Based Research – the way forward, Karen A. Robinson, Director, Johns Hopkins University, Evidence-based Practice Centre
- A survey of research funders, Mona Nasser, Clinical Lecturer in Evidence Based Dentistry, Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine and Dentistry
- How To Avoid Waste in Medical Research – Viewpoints of an Editor, Geir W. Jacobsen, Professor, Editor, The Norwegian Medical Journal
- Å redusere unyttig helseforskning i Norge ved å bruke systematiske oversikter – kommentar sett fra erfaring med forskningsetiske vurdering i REKVEST, Berit Rokne, Professor, The Regional Committee for Health and Medical Research Ethics Vest
- Presentation of the EBRNetwork, Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College
- Hvordan kan vi ta det videre nasjonalt?, Gro Jamtvedt, Executive Director, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
The First Evidence-Based Research Network Meeting, 1 – 2 December 2014, Bergen, Norway
- Introduction Evidence-Based Research Network Meeting, Hans Lund, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark, Professor II at Bergen University College